
  • Declaration and Calculation of Tax Prices and Terminal Loading Fee

    15 May 2023

    In import and export trade, the dutiable value is one of the key data that needs to be declared during customs declaration, which determines the calculation basis for tariffs, value-added tax, and consumption tax on imported goods. The calculation of the dutiable value involves various factors, among which transportation and related costs are also an important component. This article will answer some questions related to dutiable value and terminal handling charges. I...

  • 永康市| 祁东县| 越西县| 政和县| 光泽县| 西宁市| 辉南县| 自治县| 会泽县| 广河县| 焦作市| 拜泉县| 张家口市| 禹州市| 花莲市| 蓝山县| 邓州市| 石狮市| 大化| 宁乡县| 都兰县| 安国市| 报价| 渭源县| 吉木萨尔县| 资源县| 宝丰县| 武城县| 麦盖提县| 岳西县| 漯河市| 邓州市| 海淀区| 泰州市| 白朗县| 阜新| 宾阳县| 东兴市| 莎车县| 卢龙县| 武定县|