
  • What certifications are required for the export of household appliances to Malaysia?

    October 19, 2023

    With the advancement of globalization, countries are gradually strengthening their safety and energy efficiency requirements for imported household appliances. As one of the important markets in Southeast Asia, Malaysia has also formulated a series of laws and certification procedures. This article will detail the legal basis and specific procedures for the certification of household appliances in Malaysia. I. Legal Background Malaysia has...

  • 兖州市| 马龙县| 赤城县| 祁门县| 吴忠市| 昆山市| 景东| 水城县| 太保市| 隆化县| 承德市| 资阳市| 上饶县| 彰化市| 志丹县| 临汾市| 仙桃市| 中超| 三原县| 永定县| 金寨县| 铜梁县| 赞皇县| 莒南县| 溧阳市| 阳谷县| 定远县| 郴州市| 乐至县| 皋兰县| 巩义市| 肃宁县| 从江县| 昌邑市| 江津市| 永康市| 麻城市| 云阳县| 广水市| 宽城| 石景山区|