
  • Step by step, leading to the North American market: the process of exporting electrical machinery and equipment to Canada is revealed

    December 3, 2024

    In recent years, Chinas exports of electrical machinery and equipment to Canada have shown a relatively active trend. With the continuous advancement of global economic integration, China, as a major manufacturing country, has continuously improved its production capacity and technological level in the field of electrical machinery and equipment, laying a solid foundation for exporting to the Canadian market. Currently, Chinas electrical machinery and equipment and their parts, recorders, electric...

  • The Canadian government promotes the transformation of electric vehicles: Zero-emission new vehicle policy in 2035

    December 20, 2023

    The Canadian government is preparing to implement a major automotive industry policy that will dramatically change the face of the Canadian automotive market. According to local media reports, the new regulation called the “Electric Vehicle Availability Standard” requires that all new cars sold in Canada must zero emissions by 2035.

  • Key points for exporting LED lighting fixtures to Canada

    October 19, 2023

    With the increasing popularity of LED lighting technology, market demand is continuously growing worldwide. As a highly developed country, Canada has very strict requirements for LED lighting products, especially in terms of product safety and quality. For exporters hoping to enter the Canadian market, understanding these basic conditions and precautions is key to success. 1. ...

  • 南皮县| 资溪县| 贺州市| 康保县| 安龙县| 喀喇沁旗| 全州县| 屏山县| 定襄县| 田东县| 清徐县| 昆明市| 株洲市| 姚安县| 灵宝市| 浪卡子县| 平阳县| 西乡县| 云南省| 兴山县| 宜丰县| 遂平县| 玉环县| 兖州市| 桂林市| 申扎县| 太谷县| 新巴尔虎左旗| 大方县| 诸城市| 遵义市| 泽普县| 公安县| 寿阳县| 沈丘县| 金阳县| 赤城县| 独山县| 开化县| 安乡县| 庄河市|