
  • France's new environmental ratings rules for new energy vehicles: impact on exports to China

    December 19, 2023

    I. Introduction to Frances New Environmental Scoring Regulations On October 10, 2023, France officially implemented new environmental scoring regulations for new energy vehicles, which aim to strengthen environmental supervision of new energy vehicles by introducing an environmental scoring mechanism based on the full life cycle carbon footprint. The implementation of these new regulations is an important part of the EUs environmental movement, and its impact on Chinas new energy vehicle industry exporting to Europe cannot be...

  • The whole process and precautions of exporting microscopes to France

    November 23, 2023

    Export agency companies play a vital role in promoting international trade. As a bridge, comprehensive service agencies help companies export their products to overseas markets smoothly. Taking the export of stereoscopic microscopes and biological microscopes to France as an example, this article aims to detail the key steps and necessary precautions in the process of exporting microscopes. I. Case Overview This case involves...

  • 金阳县| 普兰县| 盐山县| 蛟河市| 资溪县| 莆田市| 清流县| 衡水市| 邢台市| 新民市| 东丰县| 体育| 旌德县| 青州市| 五大连池市| 息烽县| 登封市| 交城县| 安陆市| 静乐县| 佛山市| 台南市| 凤台县| 涡阳县| 蓝山县| 全州县| 将乐县| 长岭县| 马龙县| 日土县| 丹江口市| 明星| 彭泽县| 东丽区| 神池县| 太康县| 景宁| 朝阳县| 尉氏县| 大渡口区| 芷江|