
Luxembourg Cargo Airlines strike: impact on foreign trade

Luxembourg cargo carrier Cargolux, Europe’s largest freight carrier, has recently become the headline news because of the strike of employees. The backdrop of the strike is the failure of unions and management to reach a consensus on salary increases.International freightIt was undoubtedly a huge blow to foreign trade companies, as the entire fleet has stopped flying and international freight has stopped.

The background and effects of the strike

In fact, the strike is the first in the 50-year history of the freight airline.It is that each aircraft of the Luxembourg Freight airline loses $250,000 per hour. Trade union representatives say the strike will continue until trade unions and management reach a satisfactory solution.

The reason for the strike.

Despite the management’s proposal to raise wages by 5% within five years, the unions insisted that wages should be raised by 6% within four years.

Position of Government

Despite the Luxembourg government being the shareholder of the freight airline, Transport Minister Francois Bausch said the government would not directly intervene in this labour dispute.

Recommendations for foreign trade companies

For those foreign trade companies that have recently shipped goods through Luxembourg, it is strongly recommended to closely monitor developments, contact customers in a timely manner and make arrangements in advance to prevent delays in delivery.

The strike at Luxembourg Freight Airlines reminds us once again that foreign trade companies must keep an eye on the dynamics of the international freight market in order to ensure that the goods can reach their destination smoothly and safely.

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