04 / 2024
SCFI shows a strong rise in shipping prices for routes from Asia to South America and West Africa, with the price per TEU of the Far East to South America routes rising to $4,153, shipping companies adjusting their strategies to meet market demand, and new routes are expected to intensify regional competition.
04 / 2024
In March 2023, Japans exports grew by 7.3 percent, driven mainly by automotive and semiconductor exports, but the trade deficit fell for the third year in a row, with exports to China falling, and the Japanese government sought a solution.
04 / 2024
The Argentine government has lifted the Red Canal inspection obligations, simplified import payment systems, and opened up imports of food and pharmaceuticals, aiming to reduce business costs, stimulate economic activity and meet the needs of citizens, creating new opportunities for global exporters and domestic importers.
04 / 2024
China light industry federation data showed that in early 2023, the light industrial economy showed a positive recovery, the operating income and profits of enterprises above the scale grew significantly, the market expansion and online consumption contribution were significant, and the retail sales of light industrial products steadily increased.
04 / 2024
China has ended its anti-dumping and anti-subsidy duties on Australian wines, and the WTO has shown that the two sides have reached a solution to the wine tax measures, bringing new opportunities to the Australian wine industry, symbolizing a positive shift in China-Australia trade relations.
04 / 2024
Hindered Red Sea shipping has caused the global shipping industry to face challenges and an unexpected increase in the volume of air cargo business. Retailers and manufacturers turn to air transport to avoid sea delays and drive the prosperity of the air cargo market. This article explores the economic impacts and industry trends behind this phenomenon.