

09 / 2023

Uruguay and China resume negotiations on beef and mutton export agreement

The re-negotiation of Uruguay-China beef export agreement marks the deepening cooperation between the two countries in the agricultural and livestock sectors.The article explores the development of China-Ukraine trade, the structural optimization of bilateral trade, and the deepening cooperation between the two countries in several fields, providing a comprehensive insight into the development of China-Ukraine economic and trade relations.


09 / 2023

The EU electric vehicle market grew by 20% in August%

This article details the significant growth in electric vehicle sales in the EU in August 2023, as well as its share in the overall automotive market, and explores the various factors behind this growth, including consumer demand, government policies and technological advances.


09 / 2023

Luxembourg Cargo Airlines strike: impact on foreign trade

Luxembourg Airways, Europe’s largest freight carrier, has experienced an unprecedented employee strike to explore the reasons behind the strike, its impact on foreign trade companies and its response strategies.


09 / 2023

The United States and India resolve long-term WTO trade disputes

Explore the settlement of the U.S.-India poultry trade dispute and its impact on bilateral trade relations.


09 / 2023


The European Commission has lowered its growth expectations for the European Union, mainly due to a recession in the German economy. With Germany ending its energy dependence on Russia after the conflict, manufacturing is down and the overall economy is dragged.


09 / 2023

India revised import regulations: Customs code 8471 electronic products require an import license

The General Administration of Foreign Trade of India has issued new import regulations that require import licenses for laptops, tablets, computers and servers (HSN 8471) from November 1, 2023, but the regulation also specifies four exemptions in specific circumstances.

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