

04 / 2023

Japan launches safety regulations for imported foods, covering several categories

Japan recently issued a series of safety regulations for imported foods, covering several categories, the following are the relevant regulations:


04 / 2023

Revisions to international standards for phytosanitary measures adopted

On March 28, 2023, the 17th session of the International Committee on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) adopted an amendment to the existing international standards for phytosanitary measures, which aims to strengthen the preventive regulation of trade in plants and plant products in order to reduce the spread of pests and protect global plant health.


03 / 2023

What expenses are generally incurred for export duties and what documents are needed for export duties?

Before the export of goods, the commissioned customs report should be handled at the export port near the customs reporting enterprise or agent customs reporting enterprise.


03 / 2023

The process of export declaration, the links of export declaration procedure

Export tariffs are an important part of export trade, and here are the general processes and procedures for export tariffs:


03 / 2023

What is import customs declaration and commodity inspection? What are the methods of general trade import customs declaration?

Import customs clearance refers to an import customs clearance service provided by an import and export agency with relevant qualifications for factories, enterprises and individuals in need of handling imports.


03 / 2023

What are the application conditions for import customs declaration? What information is required for import customs declaration?

Import declaration refers to the legal acts of the receiver or his agent to the customs declaration of the import procedure and payment of import tax. The customs according to the declaration of the customs declarant, the customs will conduct the verification in accordance with the law.

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