
  • Instrument and meter import process and cost details

    October 25, 2023

    In international trade, the process of importing instruments and meters can seem complex. To help businesses conduct such operations more easily, we provide you with a detailed guide to importing instruments and meters. I. How to Entrust Our Company to Import Instruments and Meters I. Signing a Contract with a Foreign Supplier: Before starting the import process, you should have already signed a contract or...

  • Detailed explanation of the operation process of laboratory instrument import agent

    October 24, 2023

    Importing laboratory instruments is not just a process of buying and selling; it also involves complex customs clearance, taxation, and other related operations. For most companies, this is a highly specialized and cumbersome task that requires the assistance of a professional comprehensive agency service organization. So, how is a successful laboratory instrument import operation carried out? I. Determining...

  • Import laser process and customs declaration details

    August 23, 2023

    Do you often hear people say, “Customs clearance for lasers is really troublesome”? Dont worry, this time were not going to tell you a sad story, but a successful case! Want to know how to easily clear your lasers through customs at Shanghai Airport? Follow our steps. I. Background of the Successful Case Among the many laser importers, one client, after comparing several companies...

  • The whole process of importing testing instruments from Europe to Shanghai

    August 8, 2023

    I. Initial Stage: Contracts and Agreements Sign an import contract with the foreign supplier. Sign an import agency agreement with our company. Pay the corresponding payment according to the payment method in the foreign suppliers pro forma invoice. II. Cargo Transportation and Notification The foreign supplier prepares the goods and airfreights them directly from their factory to Shanghai Airport. The foreign supplier notifies the estimated date of arrival. III. Customs...

  • 青龙| 安阳县| 博罗县| 红原县| 成都市| 诏安县| 克拉玛依市| 徐州市| 离岛区| 九龙县| 丰台区| 竹山县| 鹤庆县| 盘山县| 白山市| 深圳市| 稻城县| 荃湾区| 桦南县| 灵璧县| 盘锦市| 华宁县| 定结县| 清新县| 平昌县| 连州市| 慈溪市| 司法| 潮州市| 延津县| 密云县| 宁陕县| 明光市| 蒙自县| 疏勒县| 临安市| 米脂县| 泰宁县| 丹江口市| 万盛区| 晋宁县|